Parent Handbook


Updated 7/25/2023
1518 Northpark Dr. Kingwood, Tx 77339
18934 E. Industrial Pkwy. New Caney, Tx 77357

Alphabet Zone


Our belief here at Alphabet Zone is that each child constructs his or her own knowledge. Our Philosophy is that children learn by manipulating and experimenting with concrete material in the environment. We believe that Children learn best by hands on construction and projects that encourage critical thinking and problem solving. Our curriculum provides learning material that fosters all of these beliefs.

Our curriculum and material fosters creativity in both children and our teachers. Being creative means thinking of new ideas, obtaining information by asking questions, learning through trial and error and benefiting from mistakes. Our curriculum strives for children’s creativity which is supported by an environment that encourages them to try out ideas and to risk making a mistake. The teacher’s creativity is supported by a curriculum framework that encourages us to be innovative and responsive to the children. by focusing on both the teacher and the child. It also provides a blueprint for developing an educational setting in which young children can thrive.

Alphabet Zone’s beliefs were taken in part from Piaget’s theory that “the child constructs his own knowledge”.

Table of Contents

  • Arrival and Departure Procedures
  • Attendance
  • PTO (Provider Time Off)
  • Belongings from Home
  • Parent Notifications
  • Birthday Parties
  • Meals
  • Clothing
  • Infants
  • Disciplinary Policy
  • Outdoor Participation
  • Illness
  • Medications
  • Emergency Conditions
  • Field Trips
  • First Week of School
  • Parent Involvement
  • Late Pick-Up Charges
  • Extracurricular Programs
  • Dress Code/Uniforms
  • Electronic Devices
  • Suspension from Care
  • Tuition
  • Bussing
  • Holding Fee
  • Immunizations
  • Vision and Hearing Screening
  • Special Needs
  • Abuse and Neglect
  • Non-Discrimination Policy
  • Notice to Parents

Arrival and Departure

Parents must accompany your child into the facility and sign him/her in on the kiosk or sign in sheet. Also insure that an adult staff acknowledges his/her arrival. At the time of pick up please be sure to come inside and sign your child out of the daycare. This is mandatory. All children must be signed out by an adult listed on the enrollment form. If a person other than the parent picks the child up, they must be on the enrollment form and we must get a copy of their State Issued Id or TDL and a call or email from a parent.


Parents are responsible for having Preschoolers at the daycare by 8:00 am. All other ages must be at the center by 9:00 am unless a doctor or dentist note is available After 9:00am you/your child will be denied entrance. If the child is going to eat breakfast he/she needs to be at the daycare by 7:45 am. No child allowed to enter with breakfast food after 8am. The early portion of the morning involves some of the most challenging activities of the day at a time when children are most responsive. Children arriving late disrupt the ongoing activities and find it more difficult to become involved. Teachers are not always free to greet late arrivals and introduce them to the day’s activities. Punctual arrivals allow Alphabet Zones programs to more effectively meet the child’s needs.

PTO (Provider Time Off)

Although we love caring for your children and appreciate you business, caring for children is a huge responsibility and can be very stressful and tiring. With this being said, we will take 1 week yearly to allow for a reset. During these times we will take care of ourselves and building repairs and maintenance. During this PTO week all fees will still be due and required as normally scheduled. This week may vary from year to year based on scheduled contractor availability. Parents will receive at least a 60 day notice. We appreciate your understanding that your childcare provider needs a vacation also.

Belongings from home

Children are allowed and encouraged to bring items from home to share at special times, often called “show and tell”. Children are encourages to bring things of interest to them that they would like to show their classmates. A very good example of things to bring is a book or tape. Children are discouraged from bring toys or other items from home if not requested or approved by the teacher. Alphabet Zone cannot be responsible for lost or stolen toys that your child brings to school. No toys if not specifically for Show and Tell or requested by teacher.

Parental Notifications

In the event that parents must be notified of general information or information specific to their child we will post the information on the Parent Board, Post on Outside Door or Send Individual Notes home with your child. We may also send messages thru the remind app, Txt and emails. The code will be given out upon enrollment.

Birthday/Holiday Parties

A birthday is an important event for a child and it is a joy to celebrate it with them. Parents who wish to bring refreshments for a party should make arrangements in advance with the Director. You can bring cupcakes, cake, ice cream, drinks, chips, pizza etc. Whatever you would like to bring for this event is up to you as long as you have approval from the Director. Alphabet Zone will be happy to celebrate this special event in your child’s life, however we will only do a combined Monthly party for all children in your child's class celebrating during the month. We encourage all parents to attend Holiday Parties and Parent Special Events with your child. A letter will be sent home with pertinent information concerning our parties and what parents will be asked to contribute. We look forward to celebrating with you.


Each parent will be required to fill out income eligibility forms to determine if their child is eligible for free or reduced price lunch. No child will be charged for meals unless the parent refuses to complete the income eligibility form. Our staff will be trained to prepare and serve nutritious meals by the Child and Adult Care Food Program. We will serve Breakfast, Am Snack, Lunch, Pm Snack, Supper and Evening Snack according to USDA Guidelines. Your child will receive each meal he/she is in attendance for. Parents refusing to complete the form will be informed of meal rates at that time.


Dress your child so that he/she is comfortable in washable clothing suitable for active play and appropriate for weather conditions. Children wear smocks during painting activities however accidents do happen. Children do not need the pressure of worrying about getting special clothes dirty. Clothing should encourage self-help skills; for example: clothes that restrict a young child’s ability to care for his own bathroom needs. Shoes should be well fitting and appropriate for playground activities. A complete change of clothing should be available at all times. Please replace these items as they are used to avoid embarrassment or inconvenience to your child should he/she needs them. All items should be labeled with the child’s name, including jackets, sweaters, extra clothing and blankets. Alphabet Zone Early Steam Center cannot be responsible for lost or stolen items. All items turned in will be held in a lost and found for 14 days then donated.


Please make sure that you supply your infant with all necessary items daily. Make sure that your infant has extra clothes, pacifiers if used, an adequate supply of infant formula, baby wipes and at least 8 diapers per day. If Alphabet Zone must purchase diapers, wipes or formula for your child there will be an additional charge. We encourage breastfeeding as it is the most nutritious for infants. A quiet area in our Center will always be available for your privacy and you are encourages to drop in at anytime with prior notification. All infants will be placed on their back to sleep. If infants require sleeping on stomach or side a Doctors statement will be required prior to enrolling.

Disciplinary Policy

Alphabet Zone staff fully recognizes the limitations of a young child’s ability to manage his emotions and control his reactions. When restrictions are necessary, they will be clearly defined and consistently maintained. At no time will a child be physically punished, threatened, humiliated or intimidated. Instead, we rely on the techniques of diverting the child’s attention to constructive activities. We encourage the child to seek alternatives within the boundaries of their ability in resolving differences. In some instances, in order to help a distressed child regain his self control, he will be removed from the environment and allowed a private time to quiet him/herself before a reassuring adult seeks to help him re-enter his class activity. If a child is unable to gain control and is disruptive to the extent that the rest of the classroom suffers or is risking the safety of the other children in the school, a parent will be called to pick up. Under the above circumstances we reserve the right to immediately discontinue care. Alphabet Zone reserves the right to withdraw any child that we feel needs one on one attention from staff as we are not equipped to handle such needs and situations at this time. All staff will receive 25 hours of yearly training which will include Abuse, Neglect and Positive redirection. We understand that biting in infants and toddlers is a means of communicating when words don’t flow freely however we reserve the right to withdraw any child that receives more than 3 written notices of biting. We will try all within our ability to redirect a child’s behavior before taking these steps.

Outdoor Participation

Outdoor play is an integral part of the children’s day. Except during extreme weather conditions, all children will participate in both inside and outside activities and should be dressed accordingly. Teachers determine outdoor activities based on several factors, including temperature, wind chill, humidity and age of the children. It is a requirement of The Department of Human Services Day Care Licensing that ALL Children be outdoors for a minimum of 30 minutes per day. In the event a parent wishes a child to remain indoors for medical reasons, he/she must leave a written notice with the teacher. If a child must remain indoors longer than two days, a note from a physician explaining the nature of the illness will be required. The only water activities we will offer is sprinkler play and wade pools. The parent must indicate on the enrollment form if their child has permission to be included. Insect repellent will only be applied with prior written approval from parent and it must be supplied by the Parent.


The definition of illness at Alphabet Zone is determined in four ways.

  1. When the child’s illness is suspected to be contagious.
  2. When a child has had fever, vomiting or diarrhea within the last 24 hours.
  3. The child cannot function normally or exhibits unusual behavior which may indicate illness.
  4. If your child is sent home from public school or is not able to attend public School because of illness your child may not attend daycare.

If a child becomes ill during the day, he/she will be isolated from the other children, and parents will be contacted immediately. In order to protect the health of all children attending the center, we may suggest to you that we think that your child may not be well enough to participate or might be contagious to the other children. Please notify the center at once if the child has a communicable disease or has been exposed to one. A child cannot attend the center unless he/she has been fever free for at least 24 hours. Please note that the center may refer to the child’s condition the previous day. Any child or parent exposed to the COVID-19 Virus must not attend the center and quarantine for 7 days. It is very important that any person exposed to COVID-19 take all children and staff into consideration when exposed as no one knows the health condition and risk to others. At this time our staff are not required to be immunizes against influenza however we take all necessary .precautions to avoid the spread of infectious germs.


It is encouraged that medications be given at home whenever possible; however we will give medications when necessary. The medications must be in the original container. Prescription medications must have the child’s name, expiration date, times per day and dosage on the container. The medication must be signed in on a daily basis even if it is taken every day. Medicine, which must be refrigerated, should be placed in the refrigerator. We require that the 1st dose of new medications be given by the parent. All medications must go home with the child at the end of the day.

Emergency Conditions

In the event of an emergency it is imperative the Alphabet Zone has the signed Authorization for Emergency Care Form in each child’s file. In addition parents must keep physician information and emergency telephone numbers current.

Medical Emergencies

In the case of injury during school hours the following procedure will be followed:

  1. The staff will attempt to contact one or both parents.
  2. If parents cannot be reached, the staff will attempt to call the designated person in the child’s file.
  3. When a child needs immediate medical attention, a staff member will contact the child’s doctor and, upon his recommendation, will take the child to the doctor’s office or nearest emergency room.

Weather Emergencies

In the event of power failure, potential flooding or another hazardous weather conditions, the director will decide what actions are appropriate. In the event it becomes necessary to close the school Alphabet Zone will notify all parents to request that children be picked up immediately. A staff member will remain until the last child is picked up. If a parent cannot be reached and immediate evacuation becomes necessary, the staff member may need to take the child home with her and will leave a note for the parent. The staff will keep trying to reach the parent by phone. This measure would only be taken when there is immediate danger of being stranded. Again please be sure to update enrollment forms with accurate phone numbers where you can be reached in an emergency. This is for the safety of your child as well as Alphabet Zone staff. Alphabet Zone closures coincide with our School District closures. Please watch your local news channel for closure info.

Field Trips

Field trips are planned during the year to stimulate community interest and enrich the child’s classroom experience. There will be notes sent out letting the parents know when, where and the time. You must sign the permission slip each time there is a field trip. The permission slips will be located in the office. If you have not signed for your child to go on the field trip your child will not be allowed to attend. We reserve the right to leave any child that is disruptive or misbehaves with no refund. Fees for cancelled trips will be credited only to field trip account. No refunds will be given if your child arrived too late to join the van for the trip. Parent volunteers will only be used when announced.



First week of School

Adjusting to school is smoothest when preceded by an informal visit to the school for the child to become familiar with the environment and have an opportunity to meet his/her teacher. Parental apprehension over a child’s adjustment is sensed by the child; therefore attitudes must be relaxed and supportive for the best interest of the child. Even if your child has attended school before, on the first day allow extra time to come into the classroom with him/her. Always tell the child good-by even when they have become involved in an activity. Generally once the parent has exited, a child is easier to calm or distract. It is not essential that the child participate the first week of class. Often, children feel most comfortable watching, it gives them the opportunity to learn the routine, meet new friends and gain selfconfidence. Do not be surprised if your child does not share his school experience with you, as he becomes more comfortable in his/her settings they will overflow with conversation upon pick-up.

Parental Involvement

Alphabet Zone encourages parent involvement. Parents and Alphabet Zone Staff share a common concern and commitment to the child’s development. Communication and cooperation is necessary for parents and teacher to share their knowledge about the child’s particular needs and special experiences. Formal periodic conferences are encouraged to discuss the child’s individual goals, progress and to plan for the child’s continued growth in the program. We will have several luncheons during the year so that Parents can join their child in his/her setting for lunch and association.

Late Pick-up Charges

Although we are a 24 hour facility you will only be eligible for 10 hours of care daily unless otherwise arranged. Late pick-up fees will be assessed if you arrive at the daycare after the time on your contract. A late fee charge of $2.00 per minute will be charged after these times or after our agreed upon pick-up time. If you know you will arrive after your pick up time on a continuous basis you may want to take advantage of our extended day program. If you choose to use the extended day program you must attend on a consistent basis and not just as needed to avoid late pick-up fees. Extended day fees are $20.00 per week when paid in advance. This fee allows for 2 additional Hours per day. These fees are also due in advance. If not paid in advance with weekly fee you will be charged late pick-up fees.

If you wish to use our extended program please confirm your pick-up time with the Director. Late charges are payable upon arrival. If you find that you are going to be detained, please notify the center immediately so that your child can be prepared for this change in his/her schedule, and staff arrangements can be made. Late fees are charged regardless of notification.

Extracurricular Programs

During the school year as well as Summer Camp there will be programs introduced that are optional but incur an additional cost to the parents. Several of our field trips or activities are costly and we must pass the cost on to our parents. We are really excited with our preschool curriculum and we anticipate introducing several trips during the school year. Our Preschool Teachers will work diligently to keep your child engaged, excited and eager to learn and our Curriculum will do just that.

We will give advanced notification of all additional cost.

Uniforms/Dress Code

Our 3-5 year old class will be in uniforms and your first 2 shirts will be included in your supply fee. Additional shirts can be purchased as needed at a cost of $22 per shirt. They are Polo style and must be worn with blue jean or Khaki pants. Shirts must be tucked in and belts encouraged. All children must wear closed in shoes. Girls may not wear sandals. They are dangerous on the playground surface and cause a safety hazard when running and playing. Preschoolers are allowed to wear our Center T-shirt on Fridays (Breakdown Casual Day)

Electronic Devices

Children MAY NOT bring electronic devices to daycare. No Cell Phones or IPads. They will be taken and held for the parent to pick up. If the Director has left for the day, they will be locked in the office and must be picked up the following morning. Please do not allow your child to bring toys to school. This included stuffed animals, cars, McDonald happy meal toys etc. They are not allowed. We ensure you that we have adequate toys and equipment for your child's educational journey at Alphabet Zone.

Suspension From Care

We reserve the right to terminate a child’s care immediately if we feel that (Based on the child’s actions) the child is a danger to himself, staff or another child. In cases where there is no immediate concern of danger we will allow 2 times for a child to be suspended from care, at this point the child care can be terminated upon any incident afterwards. Suspensions will last anywhere from 1-3 days based on the severity of the incident and will be based on the Owners recommendation. The parent will be notified verbally or in writing and documentation will be made and retained for 6 months concerning each incident. There will be no refunds given when suspension or termination of care occurs.

Payment of Tuition

Our payment method here at Alphabet Zone is via invoicing thru Square. This is our preferred method of payment. If this form of payment is not available to you we also accept MO’s which are due by 2pm the Friday prior to care. All direct draft payments will be ran on Friday mornings for the upcoming week of care. If your draft does not clear Friday morning a insufficient funds fee of $35.00 will be billed. Invoicing will be sent out on Thursdays and must by paid by Friday at midnight to avoid late fees. An email or txt will be sent out and MO must be submitted by the close of the day on Friday to avoid late fees. If fee is not paid by 6pm on Friday the $35.00 insufficient funds fee and $35.00 late fee will be due. Monday morning prior to child being accepted into the center payment and late fees must be made. Direct Draft info will be collected upon enrollment.

Tuition payments are due on Fridays of each week and must be received no later than close of business day. A late penalty fee of $35.00 will be assessed on Friday Midnight. On Monday an additional $10 per day will be billed daily until paid in full. Unless approved by the Director, your child will not be allowed to attend daycare on Tuesday following a week of missed payments. At the discretion of the Director, late fees may be waived or payment arrangements made depending upon the circumstances and frequency of lateness. NCI parent fees must be paid on the 1st of the month in full. Parent fee payments must be completed by the 10th of each month. There will be no reduction in tuition when your child is suspended from care for misconduct. * There will be no reduction in tuition or holding fees if prior notice of absence is not given. Full fee will be due in both situations above.

Supply Fees are due yearly on the date of your enrollment anniversary.

Withdrawal from care voids discounts.



Alphabet Zone will bus all children enrolled in daycare to and from school at no additional fee. If your child will be riding the van in the morning they must be at the school no later than 6:45am. We offer home pick up and drop off as we have the availability at an additional cost. Alphabet Zone must be notified if your child does not need to be picked up so that we don’t make blank trips to your home or your child’s school. After several blank attempts for pick-up we reserve the right to discontinue pick-up of your child. We must be notified by a phone call or on the daycare voicemail at least 1 hour in advance. We will check for messages prior to departure. There will be an additional fee for home to center transportation.

Holding Fee

If your child does not attend the center for a full week you will be required to pay a holding fee which is equal to ½ your child’s weekly fee. This fee is also due in advance on Fridays. You will incur late fees on holding fees also. If you choose not to pay the holding fee in advance it will by necessary to pay another enrollment fee and supply when your child resumes care. Your child’s space will not be held or guaranteed if holding fees are not paid. Holding fee is due as long as child is enrolled regardless of reason for absence. Each child is eligible for 8 holding fees per year which can be used for vacation, illness, summer vacation, spring break etc. Full fees are due all other weeks of enrollment. One week notice is required to use holding fee weeks unless it is for illness.


Alphabet Zone must have a copy of your child’s shot record on file at the center prior to your child’s beginning care. If your child attends public school we will only need the name and telephone number of your child’s school. All immunizations must be current prior to enrolling in our center. Your child's doctor can fax or email copies to the center. Staff will not be required to obtain any immunizations.

Vision and Hearing Screening

First-time enrollees who are 3 years of age or older must have a vision and hearing screening and we must keep a record of this on file at the center. This screening must be done by Sept. 1st or 120 days after enrolling in our center, which ever is longer. We will need a statement from your child’s doctor stating the results of your child’s screening. The screening must be done by a certified screener or health care professional. We have a certified screener on available for your convenience. Hearing and Vision screenings can be performed for a fee of $60 for both. Please contact the Director to schedule an appointment.

Special Needs

Parents, please let us know upon enrollment if your child has any special needs, require any additional assistance in specific areas, are on any personalized behavior or learning plan at his/her school, is 3yrs or older and not potty trained, has any daily medical needs or medications etc. This will help us better care for your child and will also help us determine if our facility can properly care for and accommodate your child's needs. All Therapist are required to submit a background check form for processing. All Therapist are required to remain in the designated area. We do not allow Therapist to perform therapy in our classroom setting. Please contact the Director if you have any questions.

Abuse and Neglect Statement/Policy

At Alphabet Zone we take abuse and neglect very seriously and we are obligated to report any suspicions we may have concerning a Childs welfare to the Department of Protective and Regulatory Services. Our staff will be required to receive a minimum of 1 hour yearly in recognizing the signs and symptoms of abuse and neglect. We will provide information from the PRS website as it becomes available and will have it available in lobby of the center. Parents who believe their child has been a victim of abuse or neglect or would like more information on preventing abuse and neglect can get more information at the following numbers:

1-800-4-A-Child (1-800-422-4453)
National Domestic Violence Hotline
1-800-799-SAFE (1-800-799-7233)
Texas Abuse and Neglect Hotline
Texas Council on Family Violence
To find more help, search for Programs in Your County or call 2-1-1

Non-Discrimination Policy

Alphabet Zone Childcare Center does not discriminate against race, color, creed, religion, sex or handicap.

Notice to Parents

Our Alphabet Zone Parents are welcome to visit our facility anytime during our normal hours of operation to observe their child or our operation and program activities with prior approval. All tours and visits must be escorted by staff. Parents, Contractors, Caseworkers, Therapist Etc. must be escorted thru the building by staff and must submit to a background check if they will regularly by at the center. This is for the safety of your child and our staff. Our parents may review a copy of the minimum standards upon request. Our most resent Licensing Inspection Report is posted on the Alphabet Zone Childcare Center Parent Information Board for your review.

You can contact:
Childcare Licensing@ (713) 940-5200
PRS Child Abuse Hotline@1-800-252-5400

Thank you for choosing Alphabet Zone Early Steam Center for your childcare needs. We look forward to working with you and your child. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns, complaints, recommendations or compliments or you can email us at

Acknowledgement of receipt

received a copy of Parent Handbook
MM slash DD slash YYYY
I understand that the handbook contains important information concerning Alphabet Zone policies, procedures and fees. I received the handbook prior to enrollment and I understand that it is my responsibility to thoroughly read the handbook and ask questions if I am not clear on any part of it.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Please tear off this page and give to the Director.
Updated 3/29/2023